Di/10.12 | 18:30 - 23:30 CinĂ© RĂ©sistance - The Palestinian Cause SOSO Film / Screening Bar Food Soli cinĂ© rĂ©sistance Do/12.12 | 19:30 - 22:30 âââ€ââââŁââĄââŁâ€âĄ mit Fatima Moumouni SOSO TINFA* Literatur Clubliteratur Lesung Lecture Sa/14.12 | 23:59 - 01:00 âąââąâ ââ ââââââĄâŁ with STREIKTHROUGH and Debut EP Release "all systems fail" SOSO Live-Set EP-Release / Plattentaufe Club Electronica Di/17.12 | 18:30 - 23:30 CinĂ© RĂ©sistance - The Palestinian Cause SOSO Film / Screening Bar Food Soli cinĂ© rĂ©sistance Di/07.01 | 18:30 - 23:30 CinĂ© RĂ©sistance - The Palestinian Cause SOSO Film / Screening Bar Food Soli cinĂ© rĂ©sistance