Hardcore Mattinee w. Cirque de la Merde & Baracka
Doors: 16:00
Shows: 17:30
Entry: Collect (10.- CHF minimum)
Cirque de la Merde
Cirque de la Merde plays an aggressive, sometimes fast and stomping version of postpunk/hardcore. Beside this attributes, the word "melanchonic" fits the most to describe the atmopshere their songs come along with. After the very promising demo „мир“ from 2021, they finaly release their first LP "Favourite Season" in march 2024. So, whats your favourite season?
The Baracka punk rock band formed in 1993 in Budapest. Political songs already appeared in their early years alongside with the satirical ones, with the years the politically charged songs took over. They self-published a total of 7 albums. In their first 7 years they only performed in Hungary, after 2000 they held more and more gigs aboard and today they had over 700 concerts in 24 European and 4 Asian countries. Although they were a couple of member changes, but the current lineup is already stable 3 members for more than 22 years. In their songs they often criticize capitalism, point out social problems, and they hold racism, National Socialism and every repressive authority unacceptable.